BTS Jungkook, the face genius in Samsung mobile phone commercials.”Handsome and pretty pronouns.”

2 min readJan 17, 2021


BTS (BTS) Jungkook caught the attention of fans with his handsomeness calling for a close-up in Samsung’s mobile ads.

On the 15th, a new photo of Jungkook’s “Galaxy S21” ad was released on Samsung’s official Twitter account.

In the picture, Jung-kook is staring straight at the front with chic and charming eyes with the Galaxy S21 product in his hand. Jungkook had a wild and masculine atmosphere of all-black fashion with leather jackets.

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BTS Jungkook (BTS JUNGKOOK) / Photos = Samsung Mobile Twitter

Jung-kook showed off the visuals of “face genius” who seemed to take his breath away with his artistic features that showed his lines as he turned over his long bangs. In addition, it also gave off a dense sexiness.

The Galaxy Watch on Jungkook’s wrist and the Galaxy Buzz Pro on his ear also drew attention.

On the same day, Samsung’s official mobile account also unveiled a new high-definition selfie taken by BTS members with “Galaxy S21.”

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BTS Jungkook (BTS JUNGKOOK) / Photos = Samsung Mobile Twitter

Jung-kook showed off his milky white skin despite his close-up shots and showed off his handsome and pretty “handsome” visuals. She opened her round eyes wider with sparkling eyes, stretched out her lips, posed with a finger V (V) pose, and gave off a lovely “Daeng-daeng-mi” and a refreshing boyish beauty with a cute three-stage cute act.

Fans responded by saying, “It feels like a rock star,” “Breathtaking visual,” “Beauty is crazy,” “Jung Kook, the epitome of good looks,” “My heart is beating fast,” “I’m suffocating on a few pictures,” and “Every time I see it, it’s shining brightly. It’s really Leeds.




照片中,柾國手裏拿着”galaxy S21"產品,用俏爽、魅惑的眼神凝視着正面。 柾國身穿突顯皮夾克的全黑色時裝,散發出一種狂野且充滿男人味的氛圍。

防彈少年團柾國(BTS JUNGKOOK)/照片=三星移動推特

柾國梳着長長的劉海,以鮮活的藝術五官展示了令人窒息的”臉蛋天才”形象。 此外,她還散發出濃濃的性感魅力。

柾國的手腕上戴着的”galaxy watch”和戴在耳朵上的”galaxy buzz pro”也引人注目。

同一天,三星手機官方賬號還公開了防彈少年團成員們用”Galaxy S21"拍攝的高清自拍照。

防彈少年團柾國(BTS JUNGKOOK)/照片=三星移動推特

柾國在近照中依然散發着牛奶般白皙的皮膚,展現了帥氣又漂亮的”帥氣”外貌。 她瞪大眼睛,瞪大眼睛,撅着嘴脣,擺出手指V手勢,可愛的3段撒嬌,散發出可愛的”狗狗美”和清涼的少年美。


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